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Join Holy Trinity Anglican church for a sung compline service.
Let's make "magic in the every day world" as we gather for a potluck to discuss Leif Enger's popular and masterful novel.
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Subscribe to our podcasts: Imagination Redeemed and Believe to See
In this webinar, Anselm director Brian Brown draws from Sayers and Pieper to cast a renewed vision for both your identity and your creative process.
A three-part class by Michelle Drake on how Christian poetry can help us face our fears, doubts, and hope.
A five-part class by Brian Brown on what the saints have to offer our Christian imaginations.
A five-part class by Father Ken Robertson on the relationship between heaven and earth, theology and science…and you.
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In this webinar, Anselm director Brian Brown draws from Sayers and Pieper to cast a renewed vision for both your identity and your creative process.
A three-part class by Michelle Drake on how Christian poetry can help us face our fears, doubts, and hope.
Ken Robertson, Matthew Clark, Heidi White, Diana Glyer, and Amy Lee delve into the mysteries of creating in community…especially when community is hard to come by.
Jeromie Rand, Lancia Smith, and Amy Lee explore the reordering of our loves, and our craft.
Andrew Lazo unveils the mystery of C.S. Lewis’s masterpiece, “Till We Have Faces.”
Kyle Strobel on the Christian economy of the Harry Potter-verse.
Jeffrey Overstreet on creating art from a posture of play rather than pressure.
Diana Glyer reveals what the Inklings have to teach us about making each other better.
Rod Dreher distills Dante's wisdom for those who are lost in the dark wood.
Malcolm Guite on Anselm, Shakespeare, and the role of incarnation in the Christian imagination.
Joel Barstad channels Milton on how the art of memory and anticipation can change the world.
With Hans Boersma, John Skillen, and more.