The Christian imagination is a topic of growing interest. While it's still safe to call it a niche market, more people and organizations (albeit mostly small ones) are doing good work in this area, so the odds keep improving that there's something in your geographical area or your area of interest!

Similar to Anselm

Like-minded, local organizations in other areas

Eliot Society (D.C.)

Claritas Arts (Roanoke)

Renew the Arts (Georgia, with national network)

Forefront Festival (Rochester)

The Rabbit Room (Nashville, with national network)

Vision Partners

Good friends that operate independently but coordinate a lot, offering different focal points and bringing different gifts to bear on the larger creation project so dear to all our hearts

The Cultivating Project

Square Halo Books

C.S. Lewis Foundation

Other People and Organizations

Here is a list of some other folks you may be interested in (please note that inclusion here doesn't represent endorsement per se; while we're generally friends with the leadership, we can't keep tabs on every detail of every thing that everyone is doing!).

The Symbolic World (Jonathan Pageau)

The Marion E. Wade Center

Story Warren / The Green Writer

Catechesis Books

College of Architecture, Visual Art, and Design - CBU

Studio for Art, Faith, and History

Theopolis Institute

Word & Song (Anthony Esolen)

The Trinity Forum

Joy Clarkson

Haunted Cosmos Podcast

Catholic Art Institute

Comment Magazine

The Breath and the Clay


Laity Lodge


Art House Dallas

Biola Center for Christianity, Culture, and the Arts

Brehm Center for Worship, Theology, and the Arts (Fuller Seminary)

Josh Bales

Truth and Beauty Project (Rome)

Anselm House (not affiliated)