The Anselm Society's fall 2018 lecture was held at Glen Eyrie castle on Sunday October 14 at 3pm. It was a magical time exploring one of C.S. Lewis's most profound works of fiction, Till We Have Faces.
We weren’t thrilled with the way the video or audio turned out for this one, but as it’s the only record of this stunning talk…
About the Speaker
Image (c) Lancia E. Smith
Andrew Lazo is an internationally recognized authority on the life and writings of C.S. Lewis and fellow Inklings. He was the Mythopoeic Society’s 2016 Scholar Guest of Honor and a Plenary Speaker at the C.S. Lewis Foundation’s 2017 Summer Institute in Oxford and Cambridge. He currently teaches English and a course on C. S. Lewis at Houston Christian High School.
C. S. Lewis and the Myth of Love: (Un)veiling the Mysteries of Till We Have Faces.
On a Sunday afternoon in Glen Eyrie’s Great Hall, Andrew Lazo presented a lecture that gave answers to the puzzles presented by C. S. Lewis’s sometimes maddening last novel, Till We Have Faces. This book has compelled and confounded readers since its publication in the 1950s. And while Lewis referred to this myth retold as “far and away my best book,” many of its secrets have remained hidden in the decades since it appeared.
But for the last dozen years, Andrew has been digging into the depths of Till We Have Faces, and in the process he’s made startling discoveries, discoveries which help to bring the whole of Lewis's thought and work into sharper focus. In unveiling much of what has remained hidden, Lazo has uncovered important clues to understanding the overarching, underlying meaning and message of Lewis’s life and work. In this talk, Andrew shared the results of his work.