by Father Matt Burnett
Bright creatures.
Hard as light.
Supple as water.
Gliding through Time.
Space is our garden.
Power is our being.
Heaven is our native home.
To see us gathered is to see no limit. To see no end of us.
To meet even one of us is to fear and tremble and shake.
To become dumb.
To become fertile.
God Almighty.
Beyond ken and knowing.
Yahweh is our King.
And in an instant, in every direction, the expanse of us bow knee and head to Him, cry full praise to Him.
We would conquer cosmos if He commanded.
Our captains speak tender words to His other creatures so small and frail.
We hold our breath.
Tonight Flesh breaks us.
We who are of might and power now weep and love.
We have always and never seen this.
In the presence of the one, so very small, mucus-covered Child, we are as nothing.
And in an instant, in every direction, the expanse of us bow knee and head to Him, cry full praise to Him.