• Holy Trinity Anglican Church (map)
  • 13990 Gleneagle Dr
  • Colorado Springs, CO, 80921
  • United States

Re-enchanting our relationship with God

"I get it here (pointing at head), but I don't get it here (pointing at heart).”

About the Course

“Can our imaginations blow on the embers of our love of God and sensing His love for us? Can our imaginations re-enchant 21st century people’s relationship with God? Can we increasingly love God with both our intellects and our emotions? I have found that as we read The Chronicles and pray together our imaginations are primed to newly engage our Anglican catechism as well as its related scriptures, theology, and history. The result is that we deepen and intensify our personal relationship with God Himself.”

Class sessions are held on weekday nights; exact dates coming soon. Classes are in-person only; no online participation is available. (If you are not local and online availability is of interest to you, let us know here.)

About Anselm Society Learning Partnerships

From time to time, the Anselm Society partners with other organizations to offer learning resources to our community. When the partner is a church, some of the material come from their tradition’s unique perspective; we view this as a strength and we encourage ecumenical dialogue along these lines. This course is offered by Holy Trinity Anglican Church, an Anselm Society member church; the vast majority of the material is ecumenical to historic Christianity, but some Anglican-specific teaching and history will be included.

To register or for more information:

Contact Pastor Matt Burnett.



7 Grand Themes

The Anglican Catechism has seven classic Grand Themes


7 Chronicles

Each of the seven Chronicles has a climactic passage that can be associated with a Grand Theme.


4 Phases of Catechesis

Intellect and imagination, head and heart, can be brought together by gathering regularly for (1) Praying Together, (2) Meditating on Scripture, (3) Imagining Narnia, and (4) Exploring Theology and History.


16 Sessions in Community

The entire Catechism consists of an introduction, 2 sessions per Theme/Chronicle, and a conclusion, for a total of 16 sessions. These are experienced in community to know and love God more deeply while forming deep relationships.

About the Teacher

Rev. Matt Burnett, Anselm Fellow

Most importantly, I am married to Lauren, (since 1983) and am father to 3 sons: Chris (born 1991), Jeremy (born 1993), and Alex (born 1998). I am originally from Dallas, Texas and attended Texas A&M University where I played soccer and received undergraduate and graduate degrees (whoop!) in Health Education focused on International Health and then Urban and Regional Planning specializing in Health and Health Care Systems in Developing Countries.

After graduate school I went to work for Compassion International. Lauren and I lived in the Dominican Republic; then we and 2 of the boys lived in Australia. I am deeply grateful and humbled to have also worked with amazing colleagues in another 16 countries. Continuing the trend, Lauren currently works at Compassion. She also raised 3 boys and remodeled a 100+ year-old Victorian in Pittsburgh, amongst other things. Just sayin’.

After sneaking 95% of a M.Ed., I later founded and was Owner/President of Knowledge Builders Inc., a small training and consulting company that designed or developed or implemented technical documentation and training, including stand-up instruction, web- and DVD-based instruction, and live simulation instruction amongst other types for companies such as  IBM, The National Forest Service, US West Communications, MCI and British Telecom, Oracle, The South American Missionary Society, and Trinity School for Ministry. 

I am doing doctoral work on how imagination can reinvigorate theology and renew Faith. I am honored to support the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains as the Canon to the Ordinary, and my dream job is my current one - Senior Pastor of Holy Trinity Anglican Church.