A beautiful, pristine world. A woman and man the sole occupants. An evil visitor and a demonic debate. Sound familiar?
No, the Anselm Society Book Club isn't studying Genesis 3 at its next meeting. We'll be starting Perelandra, the second book in C.S. Lewis's space trilogy.
Join us at 6:30pm Saturday, January 21, 2023, for a lively discussion of this 1943 British science fiction classic. It won't matter if you haven't read the first book in the series (Out of the Silent Planet).
All are welcome, whether or not you're associated with the Anselm Society, the Christian faith, Lewisian fandom, or for that matter, a love of literature! We will meet in the home of one of our members. (Bring a snack to share if you want to.)
The location will be made known to participants on the Anselm Society Book Club mailing list. If you'd like to add your name, send a request to anselmbookclub@gmail.com. [Note: this is a NEW email address.]