Recipes and Recommendations for Imbibing Beauty through Books and Beverages
Think back to the books you’ve read that captivated your imagination, resonating with prose as if the author was writing directly to you. You underlined passages, drew stars and checkmarks in the margins, and filled sticky notes with favorite quotes. And you couldn’t help but recommend these works.
My house is filled with books, but my favorites, what I thumb through to return to my favorite passages, surround my desk. They are shelved close at hand, stacked next to my computer, balanced on my reading chair, and piled on the floor. Most are filled with sticky tabs and bookmarks. All have one commonality—they are suffused with transcendent beauty that stuck with me long after I finished the book. Each embodies a forever magic.
Reading good literature should be a daily event. Carving out a set time and place to read soon becomes a wonderful habit, no less than necessary food for the mind. In the following collection I am including literary recommendations (“The Pages”) accompanied by a beverage (“Pints, and Pours”) with which to pair them. Each recipe aligns with the author’s era and art in some way.
-Annie Nardone
Pages, Pints, & Pours Columnist
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Annie Nardone