Good stuff at Brian Brown's piece, "The Church Needs Hobbits."
Please take a look at Brian's really encouraging post. It can be a great reminder, esp. to those of us at either "half time" or "just getting started" ages, that we will flourish and God the Father be crazy-pleased with us as we live into Role more than Resume.
He is moving His Kingdom forward and we are called to participate. He has important-even-if-not-flashy roles for most of us based on a myriad of considerations: yes, skills, but maybe even more could be personality, strengths, weaknesses (!), healed places, broken places, blind spots, needs of those around you (maybe it is less about us, than them), and His desire to shape souls more than, let's face it, uhm, well, egos?
We want to be chosen as the superior candidate; that's what Resumes are for. Fair enough. But, in the bigger Drama of Life, maybe Role is even more critical than Resume. There is a depth and contentedness to this that is so deeply Good.
Huzzah for the Hobbits!