
Get on the info list!

Based around Anselm leadership in Fort Collins and Centennial, in 2021-22 we plan to offer Community Events* in the Denver Metro Area.

What this doesn’t mean: We are not creating a separate organization borrowing from the Anselm model (to look for one of those in your area, see the Our Story page). We are not diverting resources from our core programs.

What this does mean: Our major events, like Imagination Redeemed, will still be in Colorado Springs so we can all get together. But some of our community events will happen in the Denver or Fort Collins areas; either “mirror” events of southern ones so you can pick the one closest to you, or unique opportunities.


*Our community events are the heartbeat of the Society. They’re where we do things differently rather than just learn about them. We have all kinds of small events in people’s homes, workshops and seminars in churches, pub nights, and more. For example, Anselm Society pub nights are times of community, good food and drink, and all kinds of art--stories, songs, poems, visual art, and much more. Every one is different, but every one has the same core ingredients--good hospitality, and the company of kindred spirits. Learn more and see past events by clicking here and scrolling to the bottom of the page.

While you wait…

  1. Attend at least one Colorado Springs event, if you haven’t already.

  2. Listen to our podcast…Believe to See is a great way to stay in conversation with the week-to-week of the Society.